2024 Cross Country Results


        change in schedule               last updated 10/18/24  

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.
                              *Division meets
Mon Aug 26  6:00 pm Alumni Meet  (time trial) Bucks Mill Park
Tues Sept 10  4:00 pm Shore Conference A North Champs Holmdel Park
Sat Sept 14  9:00 am Thompson 2 miler Thompson Park, Jamesburg
Sat Sept 28  9:00am Wild Safari Inv (everyone runs and everyone helps out before and after their race)  This is a fundraiser for the team Six Flags Great Adventure
Sat Sept 28  9:00am Bowdoin Classic Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls, NY
Sat Oct 5   TBA in afternoon Shore Coaches Inv (probably just frosh) Holmdel Park
Thurs Oct 17  3:30 pm Monmouth County Champs (all) Holmdel Park
Thurs Oct 24  3:30 pm Shore Conference Champs (Varsity/JV/Frosh)     Ocean County Park
Tues Oct 29  4:00 pm Future 7s Inv Ocean County Park
Sat Nov 2  Boys: 10:30 am, Girls: 11:30 am Central Jersey Group III Champs (top 7 runners) This is usually an SAT day.  Please check and schedule SATs on another day if it is a SAT day.  Thompson Park, Jamesburg
Thurs Nov 7 4:00 pm Last Chance Inv Ocean County Park
Sat Nov 9  Boys: 10:00 am, Girls: 11:00 am   Group III State Champs (qualifiers from State Group Champs (top 3 teams, top 10 ind) Holmdel Park
Sat Nov 16  Boys: 11:00 am, Girls: 12:00 am Meet of Champions (qualifiers from State Group Champs (top 3 teams, top 10 ind) Holmdel Park
Sat Nov 23 NTN Northeast Regional Champs (optional) Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls, NY
Sat Dec 7 Nike Cross Nationals (need to qualify from Nov 26 (top 2 teams, top 5 ind) Portland, OR



Shore Conference A North Champs

@ Holmdel Park  9/10/24

80 degrees, low humidity

Varsity Boys  (3.1 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2 mile (split) / last 1.1 mile
7th Hunter Celkupa 16:42 5:28/10:54 (5:26)/5:48
8th Jay Adimala 16:43 5:40/11:11 (5:31)/5:32
10th John Shapiro 16:48 5:40/11:11 (5:31)/5:37
21st Rowan O'Connor 17:46 5:56/11:50 (5:54)/5:56
25th Kyle Schandall 17:58 5:55/11:52 (5:57)/6:05
27th Deeko Rudko 18:03 5:56/11:56 (6:00)/6:07
44th Ryan Brush 19:47 6:20/12:53 (6:33)/6:54
48th Jacob Barasky 20:03 6:32/13:21 (6:49)/6:42
51st Braden Manzi 20:41 6:22/13:24 (7:02)/7:17
2nd 66 pts   (Manalapan 3rd 67 pts) 17:11.0 team average
JV/Frosh Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2nd mile split 
65th Dylan Straley 16:59 8:25/8:34
66th Joe Barasky 16:59 8:25/8:34
69th Cooper Schroyer 17:08 8:30/8:38
70th Anthony Vendittoli 17:11 8:30/8:38
80th Brayden Stark 19:21 8:27/9:54
81st John Ramos 20:01 9:48/10:13
7th 220 pts 17:31.2 team average


Thompson Park 2 miler

@ Thompson Park, Jamesburg  9/14/24

mid 70s, humidity good

Junior Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2 mile split / difference  (big uphill last mile)
104th Anthony Vendittoli 14:40 6:36/8:04  +88
Soph Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2 mile split / difference  (big uphill last mile)
3rd Deeko Rudko 10:39 5:00/5:39  +39
5th Rowan O'Connor 10:43 5:00/5:43  +43
8th Kyle Schandall 10:53 5:00/5:53  +53
9th Dom Marino 10:54 5:03/5:51  +48
1st 13 pts   10:45.0 team average
Frosh Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2nd mile split / difference  (big uphill last mile)
82nd Cooper Schroyer 14:37 6:52/7:43  +51
84th Joe Barasky 14:38 6:55/7:43  +51
96th Dylan Straley 14:59 6:55/8:04  +69
106th John Ramos 15:27 7:02/8:25  +83
18th 187 pts 14:44.8 team average


Six Flags Wild Safari Inv

@ Great Adventure  9/28/24

high 60s, steady rain/mist

JV Boys  (3.1 miles)  race results                                                       mile
1st Ryan Brush 17:39 5:36
2nd Braden Manzi 17:54 5:36
33rd Anthony Bianchi 19:36 6:15
40th Jacob Barasky 19:53 6:12
107th Anthony Vendittoli 22:20 6:40
161st Brayden Stark 27:45 8:38
5th 145 pts   19:28.4 team average
Frosh Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       no mile splits
69th Joe Barasky 12:19  
106th Dylan Straley 13:09  
145th Cooper Schroyer 14:05  
179th John Ramos 16:39  


Bowdoin Classic

@ Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls, NY  9/28/24

high 60s, humid

Division 1 Varsity Team Champions

Varsity Boys  (3.1 miles)  race results                                                     mile/2 mile (split) / last 1.1 mile
6th Jay Adimala 16:23 5:09                      8:15/8:08  -7
7th Hunter Celkupa 16:26 5:01                      7:58/8:28  +30
9th John Shapiro 16:37 5:09/10:55 (5:46)  8:13/8:24  +11
52nd Dom Marino 17:38 5:39/11:40 (6:01) 
54th Kyle Schandall 17:40 5:38/11:38 (5:40)
69th Rowan O'Connor 17:50 5:40/11:41 (6:01)  9:00/8:50  -10
66th Deeko Rudko 17:48 5:39/                     8:57/8:52  -5
1st 126 pts   (Westfield 130 pts) 16:56 team average


Shore Track Coaches Inv

@ Holmdel Park  10/5/24

low 70s, low humidity

Frosh Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       no mile splits
93rd Joe Barasky 15:27  
103rd Dylan Straley 15:48  
130th Cooper Schroyer 16:38  
137th John Ramos 16:53  


Monmouth County Champs

@ Holmdel Park  10/17/24

high 50s, low humidity

Varsity Boys  (3.1 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2 mile (split) / last 1.1 mile
2nd Jay Adimala 16:04 5:36/10:53 (5:17)/5:11
3rd Hunter Celkupa 16:13 5:35/10:51 (5:16)/5:22
5th John Shapiro 16:26 5:35/10:55 (5:30)/5:31
10th Kyle Schandall 17:04 5:45/11:23 (5:38)/5:41
14th Rowan O'Connor 17:10 5:44/11:20 (5:36)/5:50
16th Dom Marino 17:13 5:44/11:22 (5:38)/5:51
18th Deeko Rudko 17:20 5:44/11:23 (5:39)/5:57
1st 34 pts   (CBA 2nd 73 pts) 16:35.4 team average
JV Boys  (3.1 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2 mile (split) / last 1.1 mile 
2nd Ryan Brush 18:09 6:11/12:12 (6:01)/5:57
4th Braden Manzi 18:19 6:11/12:15 (6:04)/6:04
12th Jacob Barasky 20:01 6:39/13:15 (6:36)/6:46
69th Anthony Vendittoli 23:17 7:35/15:29 (7:54)/7:48
Frosh Boys  (2.0 miles)  race results                                                       mile/2nd mile split 
47th Joe Barasky 15:07 7:31/7:36
51st Cooper Schroyer 15:25 7:39/7:46
52nd Dylan Straley 15:34 7:39/7:55
59th John Ramos 17:25 8:38/8:47