Individual Entry Form
Return one form for each child and $5 payable to Colts Neck Cross Country.
Send to Colts Neck High School, C/O Jim Schlentz, 59 Five Points Road,
Colts Neck, NJ, 07722. Entries close on Friday, September 19th, 2008.
Name of Child:
Name of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________
Phone Number:
Allergies or Current Medications: ___________________________________
Athlete’s Release:
In consideration of your acceptance on my entry into the Cougar
Invitational at Bucks Mill Park on September 27th, I voluntarily
agree to participate in the 2008 Cougar Invitational and knowingly assume any
and all risk of loss, damage, property loss, injury (including death), both
foreseen and unforeseen, of my attendance at and participation in the Cougar
Invitational, from any cause whatsoever. I,
for myself, my heirs, personal representatives and assigns do hereby release,
waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Colts Neck High School, Colt Neck
Township, the organizers of the Cougar Invitational from all liability, loss,
claims, demands, possible causes of action, court costs, settlement costs and
fees, attorney fees and any other expenses arising from any claim or lawsuit
that may arise in connection with the Cougar Invitational.
I/We grant permission to the Meet Directors or their designee or the
assigned Chaperones to act as guardian/spokesman with full authorization and
power to authorize emergency medical treatment, including hospitalization, if
medically necessary.
(Signature of Child)
(Signature of Parent)
Parent Cell Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Name and
Phone Number: _______________________