Winter Holiday Practice Schedule

Look below for practices for those who can come to practice and those who are on vacation.

If on vacation     Distance runners    

Distance Runners (who can come to practice)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Neighborhood = Durand Park   Dec 18th

at school 3:20 pm

Dec 19th

at school 3:20 pm

Dec 20th

at school   1:30 pm

Dec 21st

Durand Park 9:00 am

Durand Park  9:00 am
Dec 24th 
Durand Park  9:00 am
Dec 25th

no practice
distance runners on vacation
Dec 26th

Durand Park  9:00 am

Dec 27th

Durand Park  9:00 am

Dec 28th

Durand Park 10:00 am
Alumni Run as well


Dec 30th

Durand Park  9:00 am
Dec 31st 
Durand Park  9:00 am
Jan 1st

no practice
distance runners on vacation
Jan 2nd

school starts
practice after school

distance runners on vacation

Distance Runners workouts (if on vacation)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    Dec 18th 

Normal distance run at normal distance, normal pace; strides, core


Dec 19th

double tempo day if you do them

Main one: Tempo pace for 14 min, 60 sec rest, 10 min , 60 sec rest, 6 min.  jog to track, 4-6 x 200, start at 1600 pace and cut down

younger runners do 12 - 8 - 4 or 10 - 6 - 3 + 150s

Dec 20th

Rhythm miles or normal distance; 6 x 100 strides; bands

Dec 21st

long run, strong 4 - 6 mile stretch

Sunday  Dec 22th  

This can be your Sunday or do distance and take your Sunday on Christmas


Dec 23rd

1 mile tempo, 2 min rest, 6 x 200 hill, jog backdown and start, 1 mile slightly faster, 2 min rest, 6 x 200 hill, jog backdown and start,1 mile slightly faster
(Run strong 200s in between if no hills, 90 sec rest)

adjust the workout to your individual mileage.  Younger ones just 800, hills, 800 and hills

Dec 24th

Normal distance run at normal distance, normal pace; strides, bands or this can be your Sunday if you ran Sunday. 

Dec 25th 

Normal distance run at normal distance, normal pace; strides, core or this can be your Sunday if you ran Sunday.


Dec 26th 

Tempo in morning for those doing double tempos

15-20 min jog, 2 sets of 8 x 200 hill, 3 min jog between sets, bands

do strong 200s, if no hill available with 90 sec rest

Dec 27th 
 Rhythm miles or normal distance; 6 x 100 strides; core


Dec 28th  

long run, strong 4 - 6 mile stretch


Sunday  Dec 29th  

Your normal Sunday

Dec 30th

Double tempo day for those that do it

4-5 x 1 mile at tempo pace with 60 secs rest

younger runners do 12 - 8 - 4 or 10 - 6 - 3 + 150s

Dec 31st 

Normal distance run at normal distance, normal pace; strides, bands
Jan 1st 

Normal distance run at normal distance, normal pace; strides, core
Jan 2nd (School starts) 

5-6 x 1000 2 min rest