Girls Cross Country

All-Time Lists


updated thru end of 2024 season

Holmdel Park - Varsity 3.1 mile course

Holmdel Park - Freshman 2.0 mile course

Bucks Mill - Varsity 3.1 mile course

Bucks Mill - Freshman 2.0 mile course

Ocean County Park - Varsity 3.1 mile 

Ocean County Park - Freshman 2.0 mile  Thompson Park - Varsity 3.1 mile course Thompson Park - Freshman 2.5 mile course

Holmdel Park Varsity 3.1 mile course (sub 22:30)

This is the course for the NJ State and Monmouth County Championships since 1978.  Also used for Shore Coaches Inv and dual meets.

18:20*former NJ State Frosh record Briana Jackucewicz 11/12/05
19:36 Ava Wilmot 11/16/19
19:52 Siena Nicholson 11/09/24
20:26 Liz Scarpa 11/21/21
20:29 Allie Flott 10/29/05
20:35 Natalie Shapiro 11/12/16
20:36 Lucy Gardner 11/18/17
20:50 Megan O'Dowd 10/19/10
20:58 Kayleigh Hoagland 10/06/12
20:59 Emily Scarpa 11/04/23
21:03 Casey Corley 11/17/07
21:04 Olivia Petschauer 11/16/19
21:05 Morgan Clark 10/29/05
21:07 Elizabeth O'Horo 11/14/15
21:25 Colleen Megerle 11/14/15
21:32 Raeann Giannattasio 10/15/13
21:33 Jessica Fasano 11/06/06
21:33 Ashley Pavlosky 10/21/20
21:35 Lydia Bereznitski 10/11/22
21:36 Eva Wimberley 11/06/06
21:36 Kavita Shah 11/18/17
21:37 Rachel Morris 10/20/05
21:43.0 Leisha Jackucewicz 11/11/00
21:58.5 Amy Lewis 10/27/01
22:01 Samantha Hoagland 09/27/11
22:05 Melanie Mahoney 10/27/01
22:08.7 Danielle Plenzo 10/27/01
22:15 Kavita Shah 10/18/17
22:23 Eva Gibson 11/14/15
22:25 Becky Piper 10/30/99
22:28 Alyssa Morgan 10/29/05

Holmdel Park Freshman 2.0 mile course (sub 15:00)

This is the course for the Monmouth County Championships since 1978.  Also used for Shore Coaches Inv and dual meets.

13:09 Siena Nicholson 10/05/24
13:34 Natalie Shapiro 10/01/16
13:39 Lucy Gardner 10/07/17
13:49 Eva Wimberley 10/17/06
13:49 Raeann Giannattasio 10/05/13
13:51 Elizabeth O'Horo 10/03/15
13:55 Liz Scarpa 10/02/21
13:56 Casey Corley 10/16/07
13:58 Megan O'Dowd 10/02/10
14:01 Olivia Petschauer 10/17/19
14:07 Emily Scarpa 09/30/23
14:08 Colleen Megerle 10/03/15
14:08 Lydia Bereznitski 10/01/22
14:10 Leisha Jackucewicz 10/07/00
14:12 Stephanie O'Horo 10/05/13
14:20 Samantha Hoagland 10/01/11
14:30 Eva Gibson 10/03/15
14:32 Alex Ivanicki 10/16/07
14:40 Emily Cheng 10/18/11
14:41 Arielle Weiner 10/21/08
14:43 Hailey Molina 09/30/23
14:48 Melanie Mahoney 10/06/01
14:50 Kavita Shah 10/07/17
14:53 Gia Koratagere 10/01/22
14:59 Danielle Leimbach 10/06/01
14:59 Danielle Plenzo 10/06/01
15:00 Veronica Banat 10/07/17

Bucks Mill Park Varsity 3.1 mile course

This is Colts Neck's home course and also held the Cougar Inv from 2003 - 2009, 2020, the Shore Conference Champs in 2009 and the Freehold District Champs 2016-2017. 

18:42 Briana Jackucewicz 09/24/05
20:04 Allie Flott 09/24/05
20:27 Kayleigh Hoagland 09/19/12
20:32 Natalie Shapiro 09/27/16
21:07 Morgan Clark 09/24/05
21:13 Ashley Pavlosky 11/05/20
21:14 Rachel Morris 09/24/05
21:16 Lucy Gardner 09/26/17
21:19 Jessica Fasano 10/03/06
21:21 Megan O'Dowd 09/21/10
21:30 Raeann Giannattasio 09/26/13
21:32 Eva Wimberley 10/03/06
21:50 Becky Piper 10/07/99
21:51 Casey Corley 09/18/07
21:54 Arielle Weiner 09/12/08
22:02 Melanie Mahoney 09/20/01
22:12 Leisha Jackucewicz 09/13/00
22:27 Alyssa Morgan 10/24/05
22:37 Emily Cheng 10/24/11

Bucks Mill Freshman 2.0 mile course

This is Colts Neck's home course and also held the Cougar Inv from 2003 - 2009 and the Shore Conference Champs in 2009. 

12:50 Jessica Fasano 09/29/06
12:51 Eva Wimberley 09/29/06
12:52 Casey Corley 10/26/07
13:13 Gianna Canova 10/10/20
13:35 Alex Ivanicki 10/26/07
13:47 Jessica Mitchell 10/26/07
13:50 Arielle Weiner 10/02/08
14:24 Alyssa Morgan 09/24/05
14:25 Betty Liu 10/26/07
14:41 Ashley Rizzo 09/24/05
14:46 Kaitlyn Saeger 09/27/08
14:52 Hannah King 10/04/07
14:54 Anna Powell 10/30/09
15:20 Devon McDonnell 10/26/07
15:24 Morgan Shafer 09/28/07
15:26 Kelly Lynch 10/26/07

Ocean County Park - Varsity 3.1 mile course (sub 22:00 list)

The Shore Conference Champs was held here in 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 when it was changed to every year.

18:44 Ava Wilmot 10/24/19
18:56 Siena Nicholson 10/24/24
19:14 Lucy Gardner 10/26/17
19:27 Natalie Shapiro 10/28/16
19:27 Liz Scarpa 10/28/21
19:46  Olivia Petschauer 11/01/19
19:48 Megan O'Dowd 10/30/10
19:52 Kayleigh Hoagland 10/25/12
20:01 Elizabeth O'Horo 10/29/15
20:04 Kavita Shah 10/26/17
20:05 Colleen Megerle 10/29/15
20:09 Raeann Giannattasio 10/24/13
20:25 Emily Scarpa 10/19/23
20:31 Hailey Molina 10/19/23
20:36 Stephanie O'Horo 10/24/13
20:45 Eva Gibson 10/29/15
20:51 Veronica Banat 10/26/17
20:55 Danielle Plenzo 11/03/01
21:00 Gia Koratagere 10/20/22
21:01 Kerry McDonough 10/30/10
21:10 Trisha Holland 10/30/10
21:19 Mahi Patel 10/20/22
21:20 Melanie Mahoney 11/03/01
21:25 Emily Cheng 11/01/11
21:55 Amy Lewis 11/03/01

Ocean County Park Freshman 2.0 mile course (sub 15:00 list)

The Shore Conference Champs was held here in 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010 when it was changed to every year.  Starting with the Shore Conference 2018, about 20 secs was added to course.

12:28 Ava Wilmot 09/13/19
12:31 Eva Wimberley 11/01/06
12:49 Lucy Gardner 09/15/17
13:07 Arielle Weiner 10/29/08
13:25 Liz Scarpa 09/17/21
13:28 Lydia Bereznitski 09/16/22
13:32 Jen Fasano 11/01/06
13:32 Alexandra Marterella 10/29/15
13:34 Juliana Schaefer 10/28/16
13:35 Sarah Schaughnessy 10/29/15
13:38 Katelyn Saeger 10/29/08
13:38 Kaitlyn Genzer 10/26/17
13:44 Emma Farkas 10/29/15
13:48 Olivia Petschauer 09/13/19
13:52 Kavita Shah 09/15/17
14:02 Julianna Sciacca 09/16/22
14:11 Makayla Currie 09/16/22
14:13 Christina Sosa 10/25/18
14:19 Brenda Rodriguez 10/29/08
14:19 Julia Saffaye 10/24/13
14:38 Mahi Patel 09/16/22
14:40 Gia Koratagere 09/16/22
14:46 Chloe Curtis 10/28/16
14:55 Emily Montgomery 10/25/12
14:57 Brielle Luongo 10/28/16

Thompson Park (Jamesburg) - Varsity 3.1 mile course (sub 23:00 list)

The Central Jersey Champs was held here every year starting in 2006 and State Frosh/JV Champs was added in 2007 over 3.1 mile course. 

19:16 Siena Nicholson 11/01/24
19:45 Ava Wilmot 11/09/19
20:10 Liz Scarpa 11/06/21
20:22 Lucy Gardner 11/04/17
20:47 Megan O'Dowd 11/03/10
20:53 Olivia Petschauer 11/09/19
20:55 Raeann Giannattasio 11/06/13
21:02 Colleen Megerle 11/07/15
21:05 Kavita Shah 11/01/17
21:08 Emily Scarpa 10/28/23
21:09 Elizabeth O'Horo 11/07/15
21:10 Casey Corley 11/07/07
21:22 Ashley Pavlosky 11/14/20
21:23 Eva Gibson 11/07/15
21:24 Lydia Bereznitski 10/29/22
21:25 Stephanie O'Horo 11/06/13
21:34 Arielle Weiner 11/05/08
21:48 Kerry McDonough 11/03/10
21:59 Hailey Molina 10/28/23
22:03 Veronica Banat 11/04/17
22:12 Julianna Sciacca 10/29/22
22:20 Emily Cheng 11/05/11
22:25 Alex Ivanicki 11/07/07
22:31 Gia Koratagere 10/29/22
22:40 Mahi Patel 10/29/22
22:44  Katelyn Saeger 11/05/08
22:47 Trisha Holland 11/03/10
22:56 Jessie Mitchell 11/07/07

Thompson Park (Jamesburg) - Freshman 2.5 mile course (sub 19:00 list)

We started going to the Class Meet in 2013 but did not run in 2016 because we were NJ2 instead of CJ

15:31 Ava Wilmot 09/21/19
16:05 Raeann Giannattasio 09/21/13
16:33 Colleen Megerle 09/29/15
16:33 Lucy Gardner 09/23/17
16:58 Elizabeth O'Horo 09/29/15
17:28 Olivia Petschauer 09/21/19
17:38 Kavita Shah 09/23/17
17:41 Stephanie O'Horo 09/21/13
18:06 Veronica Banat 09/23/17
18:58 Alex Martarella 09/29/15