Girls Cross Country
All-Time Lists
updated thru end of 2024 season
This is the course for the NJ State and Monmouth County
Championships since 1978. Also used for Shore Coaches Inv and dual meets.
Fastest Team Average - One Meet |
Meet of Champions 2006
(1st place) |
19:10.5 Ashley Higginson
17:50, Brianna
Jackucewicz 18:26, Allison Donaghy 19:31, Allie Flott 19:55, Erin
Donaghy 20:10 |
17:35 |
Lilly Shapiro |
11/20/21 |
senior |
17:50 |
Ashley Higginson |
11/18/06 |
senior |
18:20 |
Briana Jackucewicz |
11/19/05 |
frosh |
18:45 |
Delia Russo |
10/16/18 |
senior |
18:59 |
Colleen Megerle |
11/12/16 |
soph |
19:04 |
Presslie Mariner |
11/20/21 |
senior |
19:05 |
Allison Linnell |
10/29/07 |
senior |
19:12 |
Elizabeth Scarpa |
11/16/24 |
senior |
19:17 |
Ava Wilmot |
10/21/21 |
junior |
19:20 |
Natalie Shapiro |
11/23/19 |
senior |
19:31 |
Allison Donaghy |
11/18/06 |
junior |
19:31 |
Arielle Weiner |
10/18/11 |
senior |
19:35 |
Lydia Bereznitski |
11/16/24 |
junior |
19:46 |
Erin Donaghy |
10/29/05 |
soph |
19:48 |
Eva Gibson |
10/17/17 |
junior |
19:50 |
Catie Anderson |
11/17/18 |
senior |
19:52 |
Siena Nicholson |
11/09/24 |
frosh |
19:53 |
Olivia Petschauer |
11/20/21 |
junior |
19:55 |
Allie Flott |
11/18/06 |
soph |
19:56 |
Stephanie O'Horo |
11/15/14 |
soph |
19:57 |
Samantha Hoagland |
10/15/13 also 10/21/14 |
junior |
19:58 |
Kavita Shah |
10/21/20 |
senior |
20:04 |
Kim Lang |
11/20/04 |
senior |
20:04 |
Danielle Plenzo |
11/20/04 |
senior |
20:04 |
Ashley Pavlosky |
11/20/21 |
soph |
20:05 |
Natalie O'Connor |
10/17/24 |
senior |
20:15 |
Raeann Giannattasio |
11/15/14 |
senior |
20:18 |
Kristen O'Dowd |
11/19/05 |
junior |
20:23 |
Stephanie Olenik |
11/06/06 |
soph |
20:29 |
Emily Scarpa |
10/17/24 |
soph |
20:30 |
Hailey Molina |
10/17/24 |
soph |
20:31 |
Jessica Fasano |
11/10/07 |
soph |
20:33 |
Rachel Morris |
10/29/07 |
junior |
20:36 |
Lucy Gardner |
11/18/17 |
frosh |
20:39 |
Morgan Clark |
11/17/07 |
junior |
20:44 |
Brittany Hinton |
11/17/07 |
senior |
20:42 |
Megan O'Dowd |
10/18/11 |
soph |
20:47 |
Julianna Sciacca |
10/17/24 |
junior |
20:48 |
Kayleigh Hoagland |
11/15/14 |
junior |
20:55 |
Casey Corley |
09/16/08 |
soph |
20:56 |
Jamie Squillare |
10/24/00 |
senior |
20:58 |
Arianna Sakoutis |
11/16/19 |
senior |
20:59 |
Ashley Liberatore |
10/19/99 |
soph |
21:04 |
Ava Suhocki |
11/20/21 |
senior |
21:05 |
Julia Petruch |
10/18/11 |
junior |
21:07 |
Elizabeth O'Horo |
11/14/15 |
frosh |
21:09 |
Liz Blaskovich |
11/17/07 |
senior |
21:13 |
Kerry McDonough |
11/12/11 |
soph |
21:15 |
Alisson Rodriguez |
11/15/14 |
senior |
21:17 |
Melanie Mahoney |
10/15/02 |
soph |
21:18 |
Alyssa Morgan |
10/17/06 |
soph |
21:18 |
Emily Cheng |
11/15/14 |
senior |
21:22 |
Eva Wimberley |
09/15/09 |
senior |
21:26 |
Tricia Holland |
10/18/11 |
soph |
21:27 |
Lianne Price |
11/23/02 |
senior |
21:34 |
Caroline Moore |
11/17/12 |
senior |
21:43 |
Leisha Jackucewicz |
11/11/00 |
frosh |
21:45 |
Gwen Morris |
10/18/11 |
junior |
21:49 |
Gianna Canova |
11/05/22 |
junior |
21:50 |
Brielle Kohler |
10/20/09 |
senior |
21:51 |
Kristen Kim |
10/16/12 |
junior |
This is Colts Neck's home course and also held the Cougar Inv
from 2003 - 2009, 2020 and the Shore Conference Champs in 2009.
Fastest Team Average - One Meet |
Cougar Inv 2006 |
19:15.0 Ashley Higginson
17:34, Allison Donaghy 19:32, Allie Flott 19:35, Erin
Donaghy 19:47, Kristen O'Dowd 19:47 |
17:34 |
Ashley Higginson |
09/29/06 |
senior |
18:08 |
Lilly Shapiro |
10/10/20 |
junior |
18:22 |
Briana Jackucewicz |
09/27/08 |
senior |
18:50 |
Allison Linnell |
09/28/07 |
senior |
19:32 |
Allison Donaghy |
09/29/06 |
junior |
19:35 |
Allie Flott |
09/29/06 |
soph |
19:39 |
Arielle Weiner |
09/21/10 |
junior |
19:39 |
Kavita Shah |
10/10/20 |
senior |
19:46 |
Ava Wilmot |
10/10/20 |
soph |
19:47 |
Erin Donaghy |
09/29/06 |
junior |
19:47 |
Kristen O'Dowd |
09/29/06 |
senior |
19:49 |
Danielle Plenzo |
10/08/04 |
senior |
19:50 |
Rachel Morris |
09/27/08 |
senior |
19:51 |
Olivia Petschauer |
10/10/20 |
soph |
19:52 |
Kim Lang |
10/08/04 |
senior |
19:54 |
Samantha Hoagland |
09/30/14 |
senior |
19:59 |
Eva Wimberley |
10/01/09 |
senior |
20:00 |
Jessica Fasano |
09/28/07 |
soph |
20:00 |
Casey Corley |
10/07/08 |
soph |
20:00 |
Stephanie O'Horo |
09/16/14 |
soph |
20:04 |
Delia Russo |
09/26/17 |
junior |
20:04 |
Colleen Megerle |
09/26/17 |
junior |
20:08 |
Eva Gibson |
09/26/17 |
junior |
20:12 |
Stephanie Olenik |
09/11/07 |
junior |
20:13 |
Jamie Squillare |
10/16/00 |
senior |
20:17 |
Morgan Clark |
09/29/06 |
soph |
20:17 |
Presslie Mariner |
10/10/20 |
junior |
20:27 |
Kayleigh Hoagland |
09/19/12 |
frosh |
20:29 |
Brielle Kohler |
10/01/09 |
senior |
20:29 |
Catie Anderson |
09/27/16 |
soph |
20:32 |
Natalie Shapiro |
09/27/16 |
frosh |
20:36 |
Ashley Liberatore |
10/16/00 |
junior |
20:41 |
Liz Blaskovich |
10/26/07 |
senior |
20:42 |
Brittany Hinton |
10/26/07 |
senior |
20:46 |
Raeann Giannastasio |
09/16/14 |
soph |
20:53 |
Alyssa Morgan |
10/07/08 |
senior |
20:56 |
Alex Ivanicki |
09/27/08 |
soph |
20:56 |
Melanie Mahoney |
10/07/03 |
junior |
The Shore Conference Champs was held here in
1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 when it was changed to every year.
Fastest Team Average - One Meet |
Shore Conference Champs 2006 |
18:16.8 - Lilly Shapiro 17:07,
Presslie Mariner 18:08, Ava Wilmot 18:18, Olivia Petschauer 18:44, Ashley
Pavlovsky 19:07 |
17:07 course record |
Lily Shapiro |
10/28/21 |
senior |
17:32 former course record |
Ashley Higginson |
10/30/06 |
senior |
17:44 |
Brianna Jackucewicz |
10/30/06 & 10/30/08 |
senior |
17:45 |
Colleen Megerle |
10/26/17 |
junior |
18:04 |
Delia Russo |
10/25/18 |
senior |
18:08 |
Presslie Mariner |
10/28/21 |
senior |
18:08 |
Elizabeth Scarpa |
10/24/24 |
senior |
18:18 |
Ava Wilmot |
10/28/21 |
junior |
18:25 |
Natalie Shapiro |
10/24/19 |
senior |
18:38 |
Arielle Weiner |
11/01/11 |
senior |
18:43 |
Eva Gibson |
10/26/17 |
junior |
18:44 |
Olivia Petschauer |
10/28/21 |
junior |
18:46 |
Samantha Hoagland |
10/24/13 |
junior |
18:49 |
Allison Donaghy |
10/30/06 |
junior |
18:49 |
Eva Wimberley |
10/30/08 |
junior |
18:49 |
Raeann Giannastasio |
10/28/16 |
senior |
18:56 |
Siena Nicholson |
10/24/24 |
frosh |
19:03 |
Rachel Morris |
10/30/08 |
senior |
19:05 |
Stephanie O'Horo |
10/30/14 |
soph |
19:06 |
Erin Donaghy |
10/30/06 |
junior |
19:07 |
Ashley Pavlovsky |
10/28/21 |
soph |
19:10 |
Catie Anderson |
10/28/16 |
soph |
19:11 |
Kavita Shah |
10/24/19 |
junior |
19:12 |
Natalie O'Connor |
10/24/24 |
senior |
19:14 |
Lucy Gardner |
10/26/17 |
frosh |
19:15 |
Megan O'Dowd |
11/01/11 |
soph |
19:17 |
Allie Flott |
10/30/06 |
soph |
19:24 |
Kim Lang |
11/06/04 |
senior |
19:24 |
Kayleigh Hoagland |
10/29/15 |
senior |
19:40 |
Kristen O'Dowd |
10/30/06 |
senior |
19:40 |
Emily Scarpa |
10/24/24 |
soph |
19:43 |
Hailey Molina |
10/24/24 |
soph |
19:47 |
Gwen Morris |
11/01/11 |
junior |
19:47 |
Alisson Rodriguez |
10/30/14 |
senior |
19:48 |
Kerry McDonough |
11/01/11 |
soph |
19:50 |
Julia Petruch |
11/01/11 |
junior |
19:51 |
Allison Linnell |
10/30/06 |
junior |
19:54 |
Casey Corley |
10/30/08 |
soph |
19:54 |
Elizabeth O'Horo |
10/28/16 |
soph |
19:54 |
Arianna Sakoutis |
09/13/19 |
senior |
19:40 |
Julianna Sciacca |
10/24/24 |
junior |
The Central Jersey Champs was held here every
year starting in 2006 except 2012, due to Hurricane Sandy
damage. We ran NJ2 in 2016 instead of CJ.
Fastest Team Average - One Meet |
Central Jersey Group IV
Champs 2006 |
18:58.2 Brianna
Jackucewicz 18:11, Ashley Higginson 18:11, Allison Donaghy 19:17, Erin
Donaghy 19:26, Morgan Clark 19:49 |
18:11 former course record, they tied for 1st |
Brianna Jackucewicz |
11/04/06 |
soph |
18:11 former course record, they tied for 1st |
Ashley Higginson |
11/04/06 |
senior |
18:15 |
Lilly Shapiro |
11/06/21 |
senior |
19:02 |
Allison Linnell |
11/03/07 |
senior |
19:06 |
Elizabeth Scarpa |
11/01/24 |
senior |
19:09 |
Samantha Hoagland |
11/06/13 |
junior |
19:10 |
Arielle Weiner |
11/05/11 |
senior |
19:16 |
Natalie Shapiro |
11/09/19 |
senior |
19:16 |
Siena Nicholson |
11/01/24 |
frosh |
19:17 |
Allison Donaghy |
11/04/06 |
junior |
19:20 |
Presslie Mariner |
11/06/21 |
senior |
19:26 |
Erin Donaghy |
11/04/06 |
junior |
19:41 |
Eva Gibson |
11/04/17 |
junior |
19:41 |
Colleen Megerle |
11/04/17 |
junior |
19:45 |
Ava Wilmot |
11/09/19 |
frosh |
19:45 |
Ashley Pavlovsky |
11/06/21 |
soph |
19:49 |
Morgan Clark |
11/04/06 |
soph |
19:50 |
Olivia Petschauer |
11/06/21 |
junior |
19:52 |
Eva Wimberley |
11/07/09 |
senior |
19:54 |
Natalie O'Connor |
11/01/24 |
senior |
19:59 |
Delia Russo |
11/03/18 |
senior |
20:10 |
Jessica Fasano |
11/03/07 |
soph |
20:12 |
Emily Scarpa |
11/01/24 |
soph |
20:13 |
Megan O'Dowd |
11/12/11 |
soph |
20:13 |
Catie Anderson |
11/04/17 |
junior |
20:20 |
Stephanie Olenik |
11/04/06 |
soph |
20:20 |
Kavita Shah |
11/09/19 & 11/14/20 |
junior/senior |
20:21 |
Gwen Morris |
11/12/11 |
junior |
20:22 |
Lucy Gardner |
11/04/17 |
frosh |
20:28 |
Hailey Molina |
11/01/24 |
soph |
20:28 |
Julianna Sciacca |
11/01/24 |
junior |
20:29 |
Arianna Sakoutis |
11/09/19 |
senior |
20:31 |
Allie Flott |
11/03/07 |
junior |
20:31 |
Kayleigh Hoagland |
11/07/15 |
senior |
20:32 |
Stephanie O'Horo |
11/08/14 |
soph |
20:37 |
Kerry McDonough |
11/12/11 |
soph |
20:40 |
Rachel Morris |
11/03/07 |
junior |
20:53 |
Julia Petruch |
11/05/11 |
junior |
20:53 |
Olivia Petshauer |
11/09/19 |
frosh |
20:55 |
Raeann Giannattasio |
11/06/13 |
frosh |
20:59 |
Liz Blaskovich |
11/07/06 |
senior |
20:59 |
Brittany Hinton |
11/07/06 |
senior |